Supair...major impact
1st thing, Rancid......your scary and im never going near essex.
2nd, the single thing which has had the greatest impact on paintball is the introduction of supair/hyperball concept fields. This is because, supair has bought with it, or helped to speed up, many other developments in the game which may have taken a long time to happen had someone not thought of it.
Supair has developed paintball in to a sport, which is fast paced, fun to watch and play and can (most importantly) appeal to a much wider audience. This is a major change because if paintball can appeal to a wider audience, then the sport and the industry will growand growth will mean more competition making the sport cheaper and easier to access.
From just the players perspective, supair has also developed the technical side of the game. By technical im not just talking about electro markers and better paint, im talking team tactics, individual skills, communication, the lot-they've all become much more important because concept fields like supair make NO allowances for teams which cant develope them, especially at pro level.
Ok im gonna stop now, ive said my bit...