dark matter is the mater theorized due to the imbalance of glaxies and solar systems gravitational pull and centrifugal force.
Essentially, I dont know how, scientists worked out out that the centrifugal forces exerted on the outside planets/ starts/ systems un the solar systems/ galaxies were such that it counter acted, and outweighed the gravitational forces that theoreticly held them inplace.
In principle this would mean that they would be flying out this way and that, rather than sticking in the places that they do.
They then theorized that there must be something 'holding' the planets/stars/systems in on the outer rims, and this 'something' was dark matter.
The only problem is that theoretically, it cant be measured, observed, cought or anything. the only proof of its theoretical existance, is that these galaxies and solar systems are not spinning themselves apart when they should be.
(atleast, thats my understanding of dark matter)
the thing with black wholes, and peoples fasination about them, is that essentially they are just an object of such high mass, that its gravitational forces pulls in and crushes/destroys anything near it, so why do people see them as gateways and portals etc? are these people just stupid?
the other thing, is if anti matter and matter are supposed to be opposites, how come that it takes so much matter to create anti-matter, and how can it create it at all, if anti-matter cant create matter, the same should be true of matter
dark matter is the mater theorized due to the imbalance of glaxies and solar systems gravitational pull and centrifugal force.
Essentially, I dont know how, scientists worked out out that the centrifugal forces exerted on the outside planets/ starts/ systems un the solar systems/ galaxies were such that it counter acted, and outweighed the gravitational forces that theoreticly held them inplace.
In principle this would mean that they would be flying out this way and that, rather than sticking in the places that they do.
They then theorized that there must be something 'holding' the planets/stars/systems in on the outer rims, and this 'something' was dark matter.
The only problem is that theoretically, it cant be measured, observed, cought or anything. the only proof of its theoretical existance, is that these galaxies and solar systems are not spinning themselves apart when they should be.
(atleast, thats my understanding of dark matter)
the thing with black wholes, and peoples fasination about them, is that essentially they are just an object of such high mass, that its gravitational forces pulls in and crushes/destroys anything near it, so why do people see them as gateways and portals etc? are these people just stupid?
the other thing, is if anti matter and matter are supposed to be opposites, how come that it takes so much matter to create anti-matter, and how can it create it at all, if anti-matter cant create matter, the same should be true of matter