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AAArrggh.. Unmountable boot volume!


Upgrade your Game
Jul 11, 2005
Now come on, Intel is the better platform at the moment and are the industry leaders in the commercial sector, AMD control a larger part of the server market but im not sure for how long. Considering that AMD/ATI have drivers on certain cards which leaves much to the imagination, i think Nvidia, even though they dont always get it right, are a better choice, plus to combat nvidia, ATI had to stick 2 GPU's on a card, wtf?
Now come on, Intel is the better platform at the moment and are the industry leaders in the commercial sector, AMD control a larger part of the server market but im not sure for how long. Considering that AMD/ATI have drivers on certain cards which leaves much to the imagination, i think Nvidia, even though they dont always get it right, are a better choice, plus to combat nvidia, ATI had to stick 2 GPU's on a card, wtf?
You dont think people should be free to choose their own brand loyalty like in every other market on earth?
Whether one is better than the other (in your opinion), they both work perfectly on a DOS, Windos XP or a Unix machine.
The AMD machine is working for Al (he says its fast as fook)
Clearly its vista which has the problem.

The IBM PC has been the only real computer standard since the 1980s.
Before then there were multiple sets of hardware with multiple standards, some far superior to the IBM standard (for example a UK company called apricot).

Consumers will not put up with blurred standards for very long. Something which works on one PC has to work on the next, or there will be trouble.
Forcing people into spending money just to stand still is a dangerous game.

Microsoft are entirely sales driven, meaning the operating system doesnt need to work, people just need to buy it for it to be considered a success. (even if they are forced into buying it, and hate it)

That will work in the short term, because they have such a high market share.
But if they did something crazy like discontinue availability of XP, people would be looking for alternatives very quickly.


Platinum Member
I built my Conroe based PC, not long after they came out.

Went for as decent stuff as I could afford.

E6400 (2.14Ghz stock)
2 Gb Corsair XMS2 800mhz
Ram Cooler
Feck off Arctic Square Pro heat sink thing, which is lapped flat.

Overclocked the Procssor to a stable 3Ghz (on Orthos for 60 Hrs at 100%) overclocked the ram to 950mhz, runs nicely.

BFG 8800Gts OC, only 320Mb but I dont need much more as I only have a 19 inch widescreen monitor.

Installed Vista on it. Not really had any problems, mainly user account control on some games but that is just a few button clicks.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
When XP came out alot of people said, 'wow microsoft finally released a comparatively stable OS'. Their first since DOS.

In fact alot of massive companies still successfully use command prompt based operating systems.
Yes, Bon they are 'stuck' word processing without the helpful paperclip man.
Must be hell.

I cant name 10 reasons XP is better, without mentioning compatibility. Because the real problem is compatability. Its ridiculous to say thats not microsofts fault. We've all seen unix systems emulate windows, so if microsoft cant release a version of windows that is able to properly emulate windows then its a fricking crying shame.

Similarly you couldnt name 5 reasons Vista is better, without mindlessly regurgitating microsoft marketing speak or feature lockins.

Well the sad truth is, no its not microsofts problem at the end of it.

Take a car for example, a VW golf, now you could change the body, upgrade bits, slap bits on ect ect ect, but at the end of it all, youll still be driven by the same engine.

Thats the problem with sticking to XP, theres only so much that CAN be done before you need a new engine behind it to progress further.


I use the following -


750GB Serial ATA 3GB/s Drive @ 7200.

350GB Serial ATA 3GB/s Drive @ 7200.

2 x 3.0 Ghz Quad Core Intel Xeon Processors.

2 x 16x SuperDrive DL (DVD+R / DL / DVDRW / CD-RW)

ATI Radion x1900 XT 512MB SDRAM.

6GB Ram.

2 x Dell Ultrasharp 2407WFP-HC 24″ Widescreen LCD Monitors.

1 x Harman Kardon Soundsticks II Speakers.

But then I'm on a Mac Pro, having switched after using Windows for the last 10 years....and I must say this IS a flying machine :)