Bug fixes.
Improved Anti Chop Control.
Improved hopper control.
Better Power management.
Timing upgrades for super LP operation.
The list goes on...
Im not saying these are the reasons this guy wants to upgrade, but they cartainly are software improvements that cant be called nefarious.
Also you seem to think that upgrading the software means adding your own dodgy modes, well you just cant do that with a WDP gun.
You need a copy of the source code and probably a program lock key of some description. WDP aint gonna let joe bloggs of the street have them, nor are they gonna write upgrades which add some kind of cheat mode to the gun (above what every other gun in its class already has) it would be stupid.
Im not saying cheats arent out there, I am gonna go out on a limb and say that 75% of the users on this forum have a gun that adds free shots to what they have pulled, its been going on for at least 3 years.
I mean you dont seriously think any electronic gun is intrinsicly faster than any other? They can all cycle over 18bps therefore they can all cycle faster than you can pull the trigger.
So why is one gun rated faster than another?
Kind of makes semi only mode a bit of a joke...