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Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Originally posted by Mario
145 views and only 9 replies, only three of which actually form an opinion about PGI.

And i thought i was apathetic. :rolleyes:
I have a theory, Mario. Remember when Robo came up with the calculation that most "tourney" ballers in the UK were really displaced rec-ballers? Well, d'oh, rec ballers are unlikely to care what happens in the big, wide world of Paintball--certainly in those "Pro" leagues and such--nor do actual factual ways to improve interest them and as many haven't made the effort to check it out they are apparently unaware of all the gun reviews, new gear introductions and other tres kewl stuff crammed into every issue of the World's Greatest Paintball Magazine.
Still, it's only a theory. ;)

My other theory is that most ballers are functionally illiterate so the mag isn't being marketed correctly--they should call it the World's Greatest Periodic Paintball Picture Book.

And yes, it looks much better and is an easy uncluttered read (with, of course, awesome pics.) Well done Beaks et al.


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
i have to say im not a frink when it comes to collecting every PGI

im more of a chill out in the warped shop and peruse the mag and if its groovy purchase it

but like has ben said before it was a case of did the pictures excite??
if so proceed to read about it

hmmm sounds very much like razzle maz! ;) :D

on the new format the nice spaced layout is where its at mos def

and the nice new colour pallet that has been found certainly is pleasing to the eyes!

now we just need to work on the content!! ;) ( i kid)

keep up the groovy workage guys and it will be an awesomtastic thread mag worthy of wiping the great sherriff john bunells (retired) butt cheeks!!


Day 168: Mario eats a curry
Day 169: Mario gets diagnosed with Irritable bowel syndrome...

Anyway, I want PGi but whsmith cant get their arse in ger yet and lack of credit card forces me not to take out a subscription from here.


Originally posted by TendringLOEB

Anyway, I want PGi but whsmith cant get their arse in ger yet and lack of credit card forces me not to take out a subscription from here.
They had copies in Colchester Smiths last week...remember, you can always place PGi on shop order with most newsagents.