And so the cram-down begins. my opinion, if anyone cares. my opinion, if anyone cares.
What if the paint costed (for arguments sake) 30% less? Then the cost of re-equipping would quickly be offset..50 Caliber Revolution.. errr no thanks.
Lets think of the costs to change to the new 50 caliber paintballs? New marker, new barrels, new hoppers... .68 caliber will always be around because everyone will have the markers ect. Why would a site want to change if they have to replace 100+ markers.
I take it you're not in business then?Why would a site want to change if they have to replace 100+ markers.
I'll help you out. Markers are not the biggest outlay of money for a site, paint is and by a long way. If paint was alot cheaper, the money saved would easily offset the cost of buying 100 new your saying that they would just use their old markers rather than replacing them? Fair enough i can see that happening in some sites. But then they just prove how much they care about their customers... Unless there is no difference between shooting a 50 through a marker designed to fire 68, if this is the case then I would see the new size in a new light.