Well..at least teh weather held out till teh afternoon and wasn't torential as promised!
Bit bummed...lost aginst who we expected to lose against, but also..lost a few more...won a few tho, so not all bad!
Was nice to meet a coupel of more guys down there- PKNuts and Muttley to name two...would have met Dark Stranger, but apparently he was kipping in the car!
Warren has asked for some feedback, as regards to the...
I think teh site itself, is coming allong very nicely and once they have some draiage and Hard Standing sorted, will be great.
However, I dont know about teh rest of you...but I preffered the "Best of 3" format, to this "One chance and thats it".
At least with the bets of 3, you shouldnt have two unlucky games in a row, and if you do lose two in a row, you probably deserved to.
If it had been best of 3 today, I like to think we and other teams would have done better, maybe might have a lost an extra one or two as well, but...done better overall.
What do you guys reckon?
When I asked Warren, he said, that he is just trying the format, to be inline with Milleniums etc and see what happens, but nobody gives him any feedback...so, we need to speak up!
Also...a cheap little PA system would be good, so they can BOOM any announcements, such as teams to the field etc, nice and loud!
And maybe some "Pumpin' Choons" at an acceptable level too!
And, Pete the Snack Wagon man, rules!