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Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
look, stop making it wose than it seems. others have bought stuff off me here. ive sold, an egg, an ion, and a rhino cover. plus i sold an a1 to tom allen who came and met me at my home last week thanks very much. im not going to gwt into this now but its not quite how you make this sound stan.
Other than Tom, nobody I know of has received any high value items, and even though Stan has paid for the PM6 you've offered it for sale elsewhere.

Put this right, send Stan his PM6 and then by all means carry on. But don't come on here with an attitude and expect to get away with it.


Jul 9, 2006
i was elling a bunch of markers. and said they had to sell *today* (not tommorow or tonight or this evening) i sold the angel 1 that day. i was then gonna up the prices. stan said he was interested in the day but then went ahead and paypald me the moey that night.

i did say how i didnt want to sell it at that price once i saw what hed done and that i was gonna refund him. however, stan was adament that he was intitled to the marker at that price. £250 is really only £225-230 for me once ive payed paypal.i said if he sent me an extra £50 then he could have it all . he said he would send me a cheque.

ive now had a couple of emails saying how he wants the marker and that i can keep the freak kit hes getting with it, today one saying he would have given the extra cash if i was "??honest?? throughout the deal"
if he sends the other £50 he can have it ALL. most of which will pay for shipping and paypal fees.£300 shipped is a very cheap price for what hes getting. and on the day he first payed i did explain that i wasnt really selling for that price anymore( as he didnt buy in the daytime).

youve also gotta remember that i dont checjk these threads as the markers are gone so whenyou requested an explaination i didnt see it, i only saw this cos stan put a link to it in his last pm.

at the end of the day, the markers here in front of me , its not going anywhere. people here know where i live. theres no problem. me and stan will sort it out im sure.


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
you cant change a deal half way though.if you went into asda bought all your shopping but as you walked around they changed all the prices,would you get to the till and pay the extra NO


seems to be a trend at the moment amongst the forum teens,agree a deal ,get paid then change your mind and ask for more cash:rolleyes:


Nov 6, 2003
Billingham Teesside
Visit site
What do you mean you sold the Angel 1 on that day, i payed you with paypal thursday night after i phone you and you said you would post the A1 on friday but it never turned up and it was only after i phoned you on monday night you said you could not transfer the money from paypal to your bank account and you would pay me the money back :confused:

But it was only after i talked to your mother and made a complaint with paypal i got my money back on wednesday, well i say i got it back paypal are still holding it for 7-9 working days.

BTW you said £300.00 posted for the A1 not me and i would of added the 4% and payed the postage but you were happy with £300.00
But when you had no intention of posting it i suppose you would be.

Hoodless ECI

Jun 15, 2006
What do you mean you sold the Angel 1 on that day, i payed you with paypal thursday night after i phone you and you said you would post the A1 on friday but it never turned up and it was only after i phoned you on monday night you said you could not transfer the money from paypal to your bank account and you would pay me the money back :confused:

But it was only after i talked to your mother and made a complaint with paypal i got my money back on wednesday, well i say i got it back paypal are still holding it for 7-9 working days.
So you have the A1 or not?

If no, that means he hasn't sold one expensive item on here, and the 1 item he did sell *that i know of* the lucky battery pack was faulty. ( which was returned )


Chris *MT*

Currently MIA

Your a muppet and you seem to have no idea.

Most people start with prices high and then lower them, not you you start low and then go up (when it suits you)

I would do the deal for the money you have to save a bit of face as at the moment your name on this forum is not to popular and you seem to have made waves already.

Just my opinion, I don't care because I would not send you any money full stop.

Lose the attitude, we don't want it.



Nov 6, 2003
Billingham Teesside
Visit site
I've just been talking to Tom and he said he'd bought it and DAN had said that i had dropped out of buying it which was a lie but tom could only go off what DAN said.
I think I've learned a valuable lesson that i should post in the thread and not just PM people that way other people can see what's going on in case someone is selling an item to more than one person.