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2010 Gun Whore's Club

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one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
GWC roll call

1000 post in this thread so if you cant manage 10 your going to be leaving

there are a few that will be leaving soon :tsk:


Now with added pew pew
Dec 7, 2006
Darkest depths o Zumerzet
I'd like to make an application to the Gun Whore club! I've only had a few high end markers but i'm getting there

1. PMR olive sold to best mates brother

2. 2002 WGP Black Magic Autococker. Was an ongoing project. Has had full Evo internals, MQ valved and E-Bladed (with zero b)
Sold on cockerowner

3.WGP Karnivore (zero b) Sold on another forum to someone can't remember who!

4.BT Delta Elite (shameful one) thought i'd give a scenario marker a go got one outing before being sold on to Bullfrogg

5. PM07 in L\E cammo Bought off of Frosties sold to...

6. NYX Punisher Matrix (fully GHC approved) I think everyone's seen this as it's one of Gassy's old gats and shoots a dream. I still own this and don't think i'll be parted from it.

7. Silver Invert Mini (gen 2) sold to a friend comming into this great game. Great little back up marker.

8.Black\Clear Pmr L\E again still own girlfriend uses this one when we go to walkons

9. Tan and Black Vanguard Creed previously owned by Sid Sidgwick pics coming soon.

10. Autococker SR MQ2'ed

I have also owned a couple of much lower end markers my first ever marker was a mongoose II reincanation and have got a WGP sniper 2 squirrelled away somewhere.

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