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20 Questions game


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by rancid
Jesus. I got the same answer, but my object was a 'faggot'.


Damn, I thought of Matt Tudor and after 314,834,987 answers, it finally gave up and said, 'Who' ?

PS These are not the views of the US Editor of PGI or its Ad Manager !!


ladies love kewl kid
oh damn..that thing is good!
got me in 19:

19. Does it have a handle? Yes.
18. Does it make sound? No.
17. Is it shiny? Usually.
16. Can you find it in a house? Probably.
15. Do you use it in your home? No.
14. Is it comforting? No.
13. Does it come in a box? Irrelevant.
12. Does it have keys? No.
11. Is it usually colorful? No.
10. Does it bring joy to people? Sometimes.
9. Does it make noise? Sometimes.
8. Is it outside? Depends.
7. Is it heavy? Maybe.
6. Is it heavier than a pound of butter? Yes.
5. Can you buy it at a store? Yes.
4. Can it be washed? Maybe.
3. Is it a common household object? No.
2. Is it found on a desk? Doubtful.
1. It is classified as Other.

SWORD, would you have guessed it?


oh yer baby!
Dec 4, 2002
hehehehehehehe, can u guess wot i was thinking of? i couldn't resist, its usually joolux.//'s forte!

You were thinking of something to do with sex.
Do you know any songs about it? You said Yes, I say No.
Contradictions Detected
It does not matter if our answers disagree, over time the game will change its answers to reflect common knowledge. If you feel that the game is in error, the only way to fix it is to play again.

Similar Objects
a muscle (body part), an elf, a big toe, a soulmate, a crush (in love), a bullwhip, an oar, a margarita, a celebrity, an elephant, a skeleton, a rifle.

Uncommon Knowledge about an erection
Does it make a good pet? I say Yes.
Does a hockey player use it? I say Yes.
Is it lumpy? I say Probably.
Is it tapered? I say Yes.
Can you eat off of it? I say Probably.
Does it taste good with butter? I say Probably.
Is it bigger than sofa? I say Probably.
Is it originally from the Mediterranian? I say Probably.
Are there many different sorts of it? I say No.
Is it something that you build? I say Yes.
Is it used in a game? I say Yes.
Can you ride on it? I say Yes.
Does it deal with imagination? I say Probably.
Is it cool? I say Yes.
Does it taste good? I say Yes.
Is it hot? I say Yes.

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
how mature.

it took 28 questions to get FART. then disagreed with me that you can take it along with you. of course you take a fart with you, you dont just pick it up from a bleedin shop. its just brewing ennit. it did agree with me that it can cheer you up tho :D :D