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19th April - New Walk On Southampton/Portsmouth


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
hi chap just wondering if your open over the hols?

I'd like to come down and have a look round (i'll bring safty gear) and to take some photo's to see how you handle punters if poss?

I promote sites i like on all the uk websites and tell people what they want to know good or bad.

At the moment only a reading site has my thumbs up
I'd like to add more as i want people to play more (it's a hobby sad i know)
Spurdog - players do not HAVE to be members for this event, though we would encourage it - there is talk of a pricing incentive for members at future events. Those players that are UKPSF members will have the peace of mind of knowing that the insurance element of their membership is valid at Ambush Paintball.

Obladeo - we are operational today and Sunday but would like to suggest that the best time to 'review' the site will be on the 19th - we have a 'rental' day running as well as the walk-on.
How and where do you 'promote' sites??


Active Member
May 27, 2008
2 walk-on sites so close >.< My bank manager isnt going to like me :) Hopefully ill be able to make my way over to this one as it does sound good.

As Promised - Photos from yesterday (19th April) are now posted here

Next event - Sunday 17th May - Prices as follows

£25 walk on Byo Paint
£45 walk on - - 2k Powerball (£25 per box after that)
£55 walk on - - incl 2k Draxxus Blaze (£35 per box after that)

We are able to loan air systems for this event for co2 users as no co2 on site available and only 3000psi available at the moment - no hire charge but they must come back as they went out or the 'borrower' will have to pay for the system.
Included in the walk on fee - air, hot drinks, our normal substantial barbecued lunch.
Players must book by 'phoning on 07836 762787 with payment by 11/05/09 if ordering paint