ok my view on the indoor=
Site = Typical indoor,not great but not bad[i have seen worse]
Fields= Played well and fast and evenly from both sides
Marshalling = Hit and Miss,sometimes spot on and then again terrible,but lets face it that is the same story at most tournaments
Teams =on the whole teams played fair,except certain teams who i wont mention,.
As this was the first time i had visited the euro indoor ,i think the whole weekend went smoothley,the promoters had a few problems but did their very best to sort them out quickly,the tourny nearly ran to time ,i think it was around 20 mins over ,not bad considering the site was without power for half of the day ,due to a power cut.
OK so their is a lot that could have ben done better ,but isnt that the story for most tournys ?.
Div A winners = K2
Div B winners = Storm Lightning [formerly the novs]
sorry i can only remember these 2 results.