As Nial has said, We generally don't do the party scene due to the site we are in.
Upsetting MP's at Midnight never ends well :/, But we could be having something different to
allow people to have there 'wind down' time

There are plenty of local Hotel's in the are that i could imagine are quite cheap atm.
Copehill does get quite chilli during the April month, i know a few people this year we're a bit
to cold due to the weather during the night.
That said a decent Sleeping bag mixed with a nice tent and you've got yourself a 5* bad with double glazing and heated
cushions..... (Do not hold me on this)
All camping will be in the same area and i doubt we will be allowing people to sleep in buildings. The camping area does have a
wall around the structure, which does give it some Wind break but not loads.