do you really believe these pics?
any1 could of added that second gun into the pic and started circulating it. it really isnt hard. i dont beleive it my self and will stick to the 09 being a better version of the 08 (poppit not spool) if they can do a better version?
the best thing to do is to wait and see when it is revealed because i garantee there will be a new pic soon with another gun on or better view where you can see the spooler better, or something along those lines.
Now I have heard everything in this thread
You really need to get out of Cornwall a bit more mate, there is a big wide world out there. Its a magical place full of winged horses, little men who sit on toadstools, and a boy who never grew up!!!
Thats probably more accurate then your answer above
Not even going to try and tell you the email and pics are legit as you are probably stoned by snorting too many pasties