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03 Shocker or WGP 04 vert feed


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Id like to see how much substance there is to those claims over effiency.

Anyway, if the dude is gonna be getting it 2nd han, isnt it more likely that it will be more 'bedded in' and getting a hell of a lot more shots?

Nif Naf

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2003
Well ive had my shocker 03 since last year (julyish) and apart from the fill nipple on the max flo goin ive had no problems! I got the eye a couple of months after and again no problems havent broken a ball in the breech since (apart from wen i 4got to switch it on) :p but u gotta consider personal preference! the cocker has been out for longer with loadsa upgrades but the shockers upgrades are growing!!!! id use both and see wat u think!!


Nif Naf

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2003
Well ive had my shocker 03 since last year (julyish) and apart from the fill nipple on the max flo goin ive had no problems! I got the eye a couple of months after and again no problems havent broken a ball in the breech since (apart from wen i 4got to switch it on) :p but u gotta consider personal preference! the cocker has been out for longer with loadsa upgrades but the shockers upgrades are growing!!!! id use both and see wat u think!!



Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by TheBroz
Id like to see how much substance there is to those claims over effiency.

Anyway, if the dude is gonna be getting it 2nd han, isnt it more likely that it will be more 'bedded in' and getting a hell of a lot more shots?
Wouldn't think that being bedded in would improve the shots per fill, it's the spool valve system it shares with the 'trix that gives it it's rotten efficiency, but there are upgrades to solve that.

And the end of the day it's personal preference :)


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
They do make an efficiency Kit for the new style Shockers, not sure what's in it, but it exists!!!!

Try em both, as you might find a certain set-up more of a preference. I found the new style Shocker wicked easy to shoot fast on my off-hand due to it's size and light weight. Any well set-up gun is going to be good, even if the anti-SP brigade will try and tell you otherwise.

Although I'd always be inclined to work out who my nearest supplier is, establish some rapport with them, and just give them the gun back to service, make go boom (hence I've never had a bad Impulse, ever).


Platinum Member
I will say that I did like the Shocker, both to look at and the triger was easy to rip on...I picked up a standard one at SP (before I vowed never to be sold ****e paint again) and managed about 17/18 bps without trying too hard, really nice trigger...Evolve do a bolt kit for it and I think a vert frame as well...however..I do shoot a Nexus (yeah right) spec Cocker, which is equally awsome...but actually hits the things im aiming at, even with a .692 and tiny paint!! I can vouch for the cockers efficiency as well, and the fact that I didnt have to pay out an extra 140 notes to have an Anti Chop eye on it...also you can pick up a nice E-Blade for about £500 these days.