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  • ya they might be able to charge more if they had more larger woods and sup air . we could even has a few small events to get people intrested and down there with a small prize battle pack paint or a gift vocher
    looks like you lot wont get much bussines from dartford as even teams that play there and live in ashford say its to much to train .im just to lazy to travel. but need get more people to come down and the sup air soon before people get settled else where . i did try and say cheaper to stay in ashford and save petrol but they use company cars so dont pay petrol.
    cheers dude good day and my old angel ran all day with out a prob . angels cleaned a1 should be sorted bye next week for some fun and i did pm a lad thats just starting lives in hythe so may be another one . me parker ross and chris will be down so if we get nick and his m8s and new guy down should be able to make a bit better training day ..

    also when they getting proto paint ?
    got my angel cant use gutted seal under bolt flap knackerd need get one and got a pm6 as well lol opps im a gun hore lol
    as long as its got a high efficiency bolt, clamping feedneck, maybe a freak back it should be fine
    the nerve board is the standard ramping board, dont think its worth paying loads more for tbh but thats me
    just seen your post mate, that standard ramping board for the shocker is the nerve board as fitted stock in most shockers, will fit yours fine, surprised yours hasnt got it
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