Recent content by Robbo

  1. Robbo

    Chapter 7 - Addendum: The Miami Massacre ...

    I haven’t had too much to do with paintball for a year or so - I’m hoping I can rectify that in the coming weeks. And as if by magical coincidence, I just got a text from Sergey. if you know who he is, then great, if not, don’t worry. He always forgets about the time difference which is why...
  2. Robbo

    Chapter 7 - Addendum: The Miami Massacre ...

    I haven't spoke to Pete Bofil for a loooong time. I got on really well with Pete even when i had that 'misunderstanding between Nexus and his team He's one of the original 'names' coming out of paintball back in the day. Along with Danny Bonura and Chino, I really liked those guys.
  3. Robbo

    Chapter 7 - Addendum: The Miami Massacre ...

    I've always found it amazing just how far being a celebrity can take you in the US ..... it's a door opener for sure - whether you earned it or not. It sems to be an affliction that has gained a foot-hold over here. The working premise seems to be that when the US sneezes, we catch a cold...
  4. Robbo

    Chapter 7 - Addendum: The Miami Massacre ...

    Far be it from me to poke my nose into anybody's business but ........ I have questions :- Do you live and presumably play in the US and A ?
  5. Robbo

    Chapter 7 - Addendum: The Miami Massacre ...

    For any refs who has to adjudicate pro team confrontations … they don’t get paid enough.
  6. Robbo

    A Red Revolution ....

    The Red Legion Wave As some of you may have guessed, I’ve had a sabbatical of sorts this past year or so. It’s not what I would have chosen but without going into too much detail, the welfare of my family comes first. The upshot of this hiatus has resulted in an unplanned/unwanted absence from...
  7. Robbo

    Chapter 1 - The Rise and Fool of UK Paintball ...

    Spike - John Amodea and myself go back a long way - he's heavily involved in the media and has a vast amount of knowledge of who's who and what's what. I think he's been writing about paintball for roughly the same time as myself, about 30 years or so. He's a well respected guy and I'm really...
  8. Robbo

    Chapter 1 - The Rise and Fool of UK Paintball ...

    Thanks - however, I would like to add this account is my personal history but there’s a whole world of paintball experiences and histories out there. Unfortunately, there are an acute shortage of people qualified to write about it. There is one exception however - John Amodea is collating a...
  9. Robbo

    Woodland Events - A flash in the pan ? ..... [Poll Test]

    Hopefully, my situation will resolve itself [No, I'm not banged up in Belmarsh …… Wormwood Scrubs actually] … as soon as everything returns back to some semblance of normality, I'll be back - as to whether that'll be a good thing, or bad? Who the Fuhk knows but my fingers will be crossed...
  10. Robbo

    The Rumour Mill

    Tony - I've got an on-going problem that's side-tracking me at the moment and I wanna say 'thanks for the post' - I'll call up Billy and see what he has to say - as you know he's a busy man at the moment but I'm sure he'll make time to respond to at least some of the issues you brought up. Hold...
  11. Robbo

    The New President of Gi, A Silly Billy? ... A brief update on the man who's just landed the top job in Paintball ....

    Fuhk Brexit - Fuhk Brexit - Fuhk Brexit …….. I'd bet my house on the fact that if we had a referendum on whether to scrap Brexit, and stay in the EU, I think there's a good chance we'd vote to stay in. I realise it's off topic but I wonder how much money has already been wasted getting...
  12. Robbo

    The New President of Gi, A Silly Billy? ... A brief update on the man who's just landed the top job in Paintball ....

    Apologies for extended delay in getting back to you Spike but I've had a few problems to contend with and I had no other choice but to deal with them. However, I think that most of the problems have been sorted, and so fingers crossed, they don't make any sort of a come-back. Who was it who once...