Few things
Right folks, now the weather is good can all vehicles park on the field in a tidy, orderly manor
so we can get you all on. For camping on sat if you can set up te top side of the eclipse field, also anyone playing all day if you can do the same please. There is limited space on the stone at the bottom of the field by the farm yard but please park carefully and dont obstruct the access to the site or farm.
We will have a food area set up with some tabes and chairs for you to enjoy your burgers etc and chill out which will be by the trade stands area.
Also to help speed things up we will also be selling cold drinks from the admin area to save queing at the food van.
Can all teams please try and keep there pit area as tidy as they can, and also any batteries can be put in the recycling tubs (white buckets) around the stagging areas instead of the floor.
Any problems please call us on the mobile 07977 060 694 as we will be down the site all day, and night with the BBQ.