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The singularity is near - raymond kurzweil

who ever argued otherwise?
You were saying there would be some kind of synergy between humans and computers.
Science fiction aside it would require a computer to replicate all the capabilities of the human mind. A task which at this point a computer cannot do.

A computers behaviour is a result of its programming. If we could understand the process of the human mind at the nuts and bolts level, like we do when we write a program: it wouldnt necessarily make computer thought possible but at least we would know why its impossible.

You mean when you compare them to if they can imitate humans?
Actually Your right here they can only imiatate infants.
In terms of decision making even infants are far superior.

skynet syndrome, the turing test favors active humanly over acting logically. Ok if I put an AI in charge of nukes, do I want an AI that will act humanly or logically?
Humanly (Humanisticly?) of course!
The logic of game theory brought the world to the brink of nuclear disaster.
The purely animal instinct of fear is what stopped the button being pushed.

But does that also support my argument that simple mathematical logic is not enough.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
You were saying there would be some kind of synergy between humans and computers.
Science fiction aside it would require a computer to replicate all the capabilities of the human mind. A task which at this point a computer cannot do..
The 2 are linked though, we need more proccessing power to make it happen, when it happens more proccessing power will be available.

A computers behaviour is a result of its programming. If we could understand the process of the human mind at the nuts and bolts level, like we do when we write a program: it wouldnt necessarily make computer thought possible but at least we would know why its impossible..
Remember, these are all predictions for the future, not next week.

Humanly (Humanisticly?) of course!
The logic of game theory brought the world to the brink of nuclear disaster.
The purely animal instinct of fear is what stopped the button being pushed.

But does that also support my argument that simple mathematical logic is not enough.

but would you want an ai imitating hitler at that button?


Platinum Member
Jan 4, 2008
Sorry to put a spanner in the works... But.

We ALL know that before this happens, skynets gunna **** **** up.


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
lol this made me smile reading all these arguements and counterarguements :p.

yeah if we got to a point where machines finally reached the point of improving themselves we would get the technology for immortality.

how soon that can be acheived i dont know, but not by 2069. we will certainly increase the life expectancy of joe bloggs, but we wont be living indefinetely.

as stated early in the thread finance will also take a large role in this. the way i see it, you can only make someone immortal once, but you can heal one person many times. the only way to overcome this is to put the prices up, and this results in less customers for that market, but would still leave the (hmm how to say this) un-super rich, needing the usual medicine, surgery etc.

Who know, who knows. it all hangs in the balance i suppose, and there is only one way to find out.