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Is paintball too cheap?


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2009
i think i agree with dusty partially, i think the tournie scene requires new players coming through kids students adults anybody thats willing to train listen and learn is a benefit to the sport even if they become averages players at a average level, but on the other hand i agree we defo do not need people with attitude problems demanding sponsorship etc and thinking paintball owes them something,


i think the problem with people demanding sponsorship is that any idiot can get a "sponsor" hell ive receieved e-mails from 2 companies asking to "sponsor" a team.
if it wasnt given out like candy at halloween it wouldnt be demanded. if it was real sponsorship then people would also respect it more to. 10% discount etc isnt sponsorship you can get that by asking nicly over an e-mail withot the need for stickers and patches etc


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Its not that paintball is to cheap, its that peoples attitude in paintball are different. There used to be a lot more respect for the ref’s struck me watching the rugby today they can be kicking 7 shades out of each other and when they address the ref it was “yes sir” how many times have you seen people mainly the ones who should know better tell the ref to shove it when he’s pulled them out because they wiped or got an obvious hit. I think this does more damage to the sport than the monetary status of the people playing.

From a personal point of view down the site the ones who tend to have the most respect for the people there playing against and the people working at the site are the newer players who have bought the new £200 gun and want to be the next ollie. Where as the kid who’s mummy just spent £1000 on a there first new top of the range gun tend to be more likely to be a gobby little pain in the backside.

What I think we do need is more fields so that more people can get to one easier and practice before they have to play tourneys. Somewhere they can just learn and hang out. Once your good enough the local team comes to you.

And stop teams who start up bullying people to buy gun X really annoyed me to hear people say “you wanna play for us you have to shoot gun X “ when there a team that’s playing in div 4 and only played 2 events.

Help people progress when was the last time a SPL or CPL or even D1 mills team had an open tryout. If good players don’t think they can progress why bother staying in the sport if you feel like your stuck playing at a “lower” lever


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2008
South Wales
i think the problem with people demanding sponsorship is that any idiot can get a "sponsor" hell ive receieved e-mails from 2 companies asking to "sponsor" a team.
if it wasnt given out like candy at halloween it wouldnt be demanded. if it was real sponsorship then people would also respect it more to. 10% discount etc isnt sponsorship you can get that by asking nicly over an e-mail withot the need for stickers and patches etc
Serious? I see so many tournie teams who deserve sponsorship. Bust their ass off all season out of their own pocket just for the love of playing. Haven't seen any of this being handed out like candy mate. 'Any idiot can get a sponsor' but would it be someone you would want to be sponsored by? Don't see Planet handing it out on Halloween.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2009
Serious? I see so many tournie teams who deserve sponsorship. Bust their ass off all season out of their own pocket just for the love of playing. Haven't seen any of this being handed out like candy mate. 'Any idiot can get a sponsor' but would it be someone you would want to be sponsored by? Don't see Planet handing it out on Halloween.
i think youve took what i said wrongly. i said any team can get a "sponsor" by sponsor i mean a paintball company offering a discount to you to slap stickers all over your gear. yet if you asked for the same discount you would get it anyway without the need to slap the stickers on.

a real sponsor wouldnt ask for payment or offer a 10% or what ever discount. and i think this is where the problem is.


Feb 10, 2010
Just to clarify, the original post says "a higher class of player" are we talking skill level or more personal qualitities? If costs went up I doubt I'd be able to play at all. I have to work hard to scrounge together enough money to play once every two months but I do it because I love to play. I mean since when was the best player on the field the one with the best kit? I suck because I don't play enough but I dont feel I should be priced out of a sport. I feel that given time until I'm financially secure and able to invest money into it properly I would grow to the standard of player that you desire.


Free Agent
Sep 26, 2006
Help people progress when was the last time a SPL or CPL or even D1 mills team had an open tryout. If good players don’t think they can progress why bother staying in the sport if you feel like your stuck playing at a “lower” lever
Tigers are having open tryouts for the SPL team

But whether open try outs are really needed for mills class teams is debatable.

We're such a small community I'd wager most team captains/coaches for the UK mills teams are aware of the local talent.
I'd guess that the number of players in the uk (not counting retired players), who could walk into divisional Mills and haven't already, is probably less than 50.


Feb 20, 2006
Milky;1327198And stop teams who start up bullying people to buy gun X really annoyed me to hear people say “you wanna play for us you have to shoot gun X[/QUOTE said:
Agree with the above.
A lot of new players starting up or have moved in to supair, would have most likely already bought themselves a full kit including a nice marker. They saved and saved to buy this kit, and when they have talks at local fields about joining certain teams, these new players find it more of a struggle, as they have to sell there newly bought kit, just to buy the brand/company who supports/sponsors those teams.
Not really a good start, especially when they thought they would be ready to go out and play.
They either struggle and give up, or end up playing less.


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Tigers are having open tryouts for the SPL team

But whether open try outs are really needed for mills class teams is debatable.

We're such a small community I'd wager most team captains/coaches for the UK mills teams are aware of the local talent.
I'd guess that the number of players in the uk (not counting retired players), who could walk into divisional Mills and haven't already, is probably less than 50.
i think you have actually validated my point here those 50 need to get there shot and the only way in this day of having to buy spots for the year up front is with the support an SPL or CPL team all ready have. The community is small and needs to be grown. if you never give a kid who doesnt know the right people the chance to shine and show what he can do then they'll get bored and frustrated and ultimatly leave.