Any advice / sites or does anyone know where to get upgrade triggers from? Got an SLG 09 with the other up's mentioned barring trigger.There is a proto slg ul marker, but as far as i know you cant buy the ul grip on its own.
As for upgrades, clamping feedneck, oops, trigger and barrel would be my choices.
See Tommy's post aboveAny advice / sites or does anyone know where to get upgrade triggers from? Got an SLG 09 with the other up's mentioned barring trigger.
Good enough for me - thanks for the responseSee Tommy's post above
The only SLG that NEEDED a trigger upgrade was the 08, which came with a horrible plastic flexable thing. The UL, 09 and upwards all have the UL trigger, which is the same as the triggers on every other Dye and Proto gun.
So unless the trigger is bothering you, save the money for playing.