Ped you use 2 to 3 box's as a warm up!
sorry to interupt Vibez, good to see you will be coming training mate.
As Ped has already said if you have any questions or issues before you come and train just drop Darren, myself or Ped a message and we will try our best to help.
I have a pair of pants that you can use for the day depending on your size and we have some spare jerseys so you should be all good.
Other than that i willleave you in Peds capable hands.
Samurai MV
sorry to interupt Vibez, good to see you will be coming training mate.
As Ped has already said if you have any questions or issues before you come and train just drop Darren, myself or Ped a message and we will try our best to help.
I have a pair of pants that you can use for the day depending on your size and we have some spare jerseys so you should be all good.
Other than that i willleave you in Peds capable hands.
Samurai MV