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Everything must go. SAM Daystate Patriot and AutoMag Semi Auto


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
Ok, firstly yes it does cost that much to get them sent. I got them weighed for different places, and that is how much it was. The reason for the price being the way it is is because these markers are CASED, meaning they generally weigh more than a marker shoved in a postbag.

If you want a marker to be scratched up during postage, be my guest. But I like to think of buyer satisfaction, so my markers are in a secure, clamped and padded case so being scratched during delivery never happens; and the buyer can enjoy a nice marker rather than a battered one.

Ive sold two other markers that were at these prices and the buyers didnt even bat an eyelid. The postage price to America is £72 GBP, and a guy out there bought one with no questions asked and really appreciated the quality it had remained in.

If you dont want to buy the markers then fine, dont. But stop posting bitchy comments on the thread, because really, it achieves nothing.


Thanks for the explanation and thanks for replying to my offer. It's perfectly possible to safely send a gun in a Post Office cardboard box with some padding however so my offer of £40 posted without the case still stands.

You've been trying to sell these for ages. Both on here and on MCB and maybe elsewhere. If someone in the US paid £72 postage then fine but have a look around on here and no-one charges that much for any marker's postage.

Best of luck with the sale. :)