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The Rumour Mill


Ka mate!
Jun 10, 2006
I love the product description on the NXE halfgloves... At least they're honest about it.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Is andy Scutt still behind Extreme Rage?

andy scutt???
If it's the same morbidly obese andy scutt from over here in the UK, the only thing he'd be behind is the fridge .... I doubt he could run a bath let alone a paintball business.

Extreme Rage is an American brand out of Florida and was originally owned by Todd Adamson who sold out to PMI, and were then bought out by Kee as Jonathan implies; And so if scutt had anything to do with Extreme Rage, it would have only been as some well-down-the-line UK salesman ...at best!

The last time I remember him was when, in my opinion, he was misappropriating funds under the guise of running a league ..... the sick part was, it was me who okay'd scutt [in terms of integrity] which then allowed those funds to be directed toward scutt from a friend of mine .....

Now there's a thought, jeff abbott and andy scutt were once pretty close friends involved with the same team back in the day .... makes ya think don't it ... :rolleyes:

Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
Portugal's World Cup soccer team played palintball against the Portugese Air Force in preparation for this year's World Cup.


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
andy scutt???
If it's the same morbidly obese andy scutt from over here in the UK, the only thing he'd be behind is the fridge .... I doubt he could run a bath let alone a paintball business.

Extreme Rage is an American brand out of Florida and was originally owned by Todd Adamson who sold out to PMI, and were then bought out by Kee as Jonathan implies; And so if scutt had anything to do with Extreme Rage, it would have only been as some well-down-the-line UK salesman ...at best!

The last time I remember him was when, in my opinion, he was misappropriating funds under the guise of running a league ..... the sick part was, it was me who okay'd scutt [in terms of integrity] which then allowed those funds to be directed toward scutt from a friend of mine .....

Now there's a thought, jeff abbott and andy scutt were once pretty close friends involved with the same team back in the day .... makes ya think don't it ... :rolleyes:

It was me that did Extreme Rage Europe here in UK