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P8ntballer.com links to betting website?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Personally, I do not like any ad that isn't paintball but I suppose they are necessary evils ..... but there is a limit ..... I am gonna look at the figures for that skyscraper ad and if it is only generating a hundred quid or so [/month] then I'll take it off coz I don't like it.

I am not sure what I get for having it there as it is dependent upon the number of impressions it gets and so when I have discussed it with Bon and made a decision re the figures, I'll let you know but I think I am gonna take it down unless it is generating hundreds of pounds but I don't think it is.

As for the text links on p8ntballer.com?
I thought, seeing as they ain't part of the forum, then I didn't really care, especially as it wasn't that intrusive and can be easily ignored.
I will take it off if it causes anybody a lot of concern ...

I was offered about 425 dollars to put a card playing text link on the front page of our site but I declined that one because I thought it a step too far.

I do apologise to everybody for maybe cheapening our site a little but I figured there wasn't a lot of intrusion and were a necessary evil but I spose, for me, they are getting on my nerves a bit now.


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
i agree, if it adds value and keeps the site running then just dont look at it or click on it. Neil there's not many like you who enjoy the site and pay up every year. So good on you :cool:


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
In principle, I think having to make enough money is quite important but I feel guilty about that big ad opposite and so I have asked Bon to take it off.

I need money like everybody else but I don't need it that bad and I like the idea of keeping the forum paintball centred and not allowing random advertisers in.

Don't get me wrong here, if Nike or Coke wanna pay me 500 quid for an ad then it goes in faster than a tachyon with its ass on fire but for the amount of money I was making on that ad opposite?
Well, I ain't that cheap.


I'm a country member!
I fully understand the need for Robbo to make some money from this site, its not really a hard concept to grasp!

Unfortunately, the paintball industry doesn't have the same amount of cash to chuck around as it used to, hence the demise of PGi in printed form.

If this really bothers you, on this or other sites, and you're browsing with Firefox try this:

At the top of the page right click on Tools
> right click on Add-ons
>in the new box click on Get Add-ons
>type 'ad blocker' into the search box & click enter
>click on the Ad Blocker line and then on the Add to Firefox button
>restart Firefox

Whenever you come across an ad you don't want to see, just right click on it and choose the 'Block images from ......' option and they won't bother you again. Just check that they're not actually from the URL of the site you're browsing, like the sponsor ads here!