Unfortunatley what it does do is render certain gadgets and attributes useless as well, there is no point in spotting enemy or deploying one of those motion sensors if there is no mini map, mounted weapons are a pain in the ass because of a lack of crosshair.Isn't Hardcore mode meant to remove all of the above to make it harder or did I miss something? Like COD MW2 hardcore mode as an example.
They pretty much had it sussed with HC on BF2 you had a minimap which didn't show anything unless it was spotted, the mounted weapons still had sights etc etc
As it is atm you can't set the server up as you want and due to no spectator mode can prove a pain to admin as well.
If you fancy a HC switching server then search for Scumselite server (may need to just search Scum as we have just changed the name)