You've never seen Soylent Green then....
As for the BNP, there is obviously a very, very strong arguement that our mainstream poltical parties don't work; but the BNP is'nt the answer. I believe a majority of their support is protests votes against genuine issues where "some" voters fell marginalised. However what other alternative is there?
The mainstream political parties are parodies of populist media, but at the same time claiming to represent perhaps the most idealistically shallow ideals (that's probably an oxymoron). What the UK really needs is a poltical party that talks sense. I bet if I set up a poltical party that had a policy of Yes to immigration, but kick out the white sh*tcu*t street corner standing umemployed chav's I could split the BNP vote no problem.
At the end of the day, the protest vote is valid not the BNPs policies.
Oh, and Jack Straw what a cnut!