Hi guys, sorry but we didn't win our games, But the guys played there hearts out in 96 Degree Heat and 100% Humidity!!!! even some ot the American guys were finding it hard. I won't say who was the player who suffered on the 1st day, as he had the heart to play today and again after 2 points suffered bad and when I saw him laying there with the medics over him I was very up set and his blood pressure was 90 over 40 now i don't know what that ment but the medics said it was bad, and his Temp was over 100 so his event is over
But the boys said they have never played in anything like this ever before.
Anyway the fist game was against the 1st seed in our Div which we lost 3-2 and our 6th seed we went down 4-3 in overtime!!! we played the same tome as Nexus so haven't seen the boys yet and there scores have been posted up but I know that Clint is ill as unwell with a cold.
Anyway thanks for the words of support as it DOES mean a lot.
Take care boys and girls
Oh Yeah, some of the boys were playing with the new NT, and said it was awesome