Register your team today for the 2009 World Cup. The 2nd price break of the event has been extended until Tuesday, September 8th. Pay your team's entry fee in the next two days and save!
Register soon and save on team entry fees for the biggest event of the season. Starting Tuesday, September 8th entry fees will be as follows:
Professional - $4250
Semi-Pro - $3250
DI RaceTo - 5 - $3150
DII RaceTo - 5 - $2900
DIII RaceTo - 4 - $2750
DIV RaceTo - 4 - $2750
DII RaceTo - 2 - $1200
DIII RaceTo - 2 (Fri-Sun) - $1350
DIII RaceTo - 2 (Sat-Sun) - $1550
DIV RaceTo - 2 (Fri-Sun) - $1150
DIV RaceTo - 2 (Sat-Sun) - $1350
DV RaceTo-2 -(Fri-Sun) - $1150
DV RaceTo-2 -(Sat-Sun) - $1350
Masters - $1700
Visit today to take advantage of the second price break by paying your team's entry fee.
Register Now
For more information about THE event of the year please visit Make sure to check out our Events section for all the details including great discounts on local hotels and rental houses.
Keely Watson
PSP Events
Register soon and save on team entry fees for the biggest event of the season. Starting Tuesday, September 8th entry fees will be as follows:
Professional - $4250
Semi-Pro - $3250
DI RaceTo - 5 - $3150
DII RaceTo - 5 - $2900
DIII RaceTo - 4 - $2750
DIV RaceTo - 4 - $2750
DII RaceTo - 2 - $1200
DIII RaceTo - 2 (Fri-Sun) - $1350
DIII RaceTo - 2 (Sat-Sun) - $1550
DIV RaceTo - 2 (Fri-Sun) - $1150
DIV RaceTo - 2 (Sat-Sun) - $1350
DV RaceTo-2 -(Fri-Sun) - $1150
DV RaceTo-2 -(Sat-Sun) - $1350
Masters - $1700
Visit today to take advantage of the second price break by paying your team's entry fee.
Register Now
For more information about THE event of the year please visit Make sure to check out our Events section for all the details including great discounts on local hotels and rental houses.
Keely Watson
PSP Events