Hi Essx,Every Pro player has earnt themselves a trial or put themseleves in the right places to get noticed and biggest thing of all, have performed consistantly when it mattered.
Just to highlight where i am coming from, Nexus run an OPEN trial for anyone who wanted their shot in 2008.. I think we had 20 players show up including 2 foreigners. About 5 more of those were invited, meaning we had about 13 people come off their own back. Not great numbers by any standards, and hardly inspiring to run any more.
Just wondering if this is possibly because many people feel intimidated or worry that they would embarrase themselves?
The jump to try out for a team like nexus before being scouted or spotted would be a big one in many eyes perhaps??!!
Maybe that is the case.. I'm not sure. If that is then those people are looking at it in the wrong way..
What a better place to learn and to test yourself than against other aspiring players, infront of Pro players that are more than willing to help and offer advice.
Even if you didnt get picked you could meet people and hopefully learn some stuff about your game along the way.
I think Jay's points about a lack of commitment and pride are spot on..
Hope to see you back out on the field soon dude.