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paintball at fairs/festivals?


Aug 1, 2009
See, with many ballers knowing that you need a mask and netting etc.
You think it could be reported to the person who hosted the fair or something like that. As fairs near my area are the "tuby fare."
Have you thought about that ?:p


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
So, people are shocked that Pikey's don't care that 'paintballers' complain about their 'non-industry-standard' safety rules?

Not that I want to be unfair to Pikeys, the last time I said the word 'Pikeys' someone actually took offence...



I Would
Dec 6, 2004
I don't think we have to worry about BigKris, I heard he petitioned his town council to open some local wasteland to a friendly traveling community and sometime shortly afterward his laptop went missing.
The other week i was at the Sunderland air show, for those of you who dont know what it is, its basicly a free airshow with 100's of fair rides and stals.

to the point:

there was a paintball shooting gallery, so naturaly i went over to have a look, firstly i shal ignor the £2 per 10 balls! we cant do anything about prices.

it was basicly a big inflatable room with 98's chained to gaps in the wall.
this chain was about half a meter long, and any chav could have easly taken the marker, turned it round, and shot just about anyone. there were no masks provided, not even a pair of plastic goggles, not even so much as a netting around the shooting area.

Thats nothing.

At fairs round my way, you get a spyder chronod at 400fps, and there are no targets.

Instead you have to shoot yourself in the eyes from point blank range.

Take 5 hits in either eye without going blind and you win a goldfish.


Going....going....not quite dead yet...
Jun 21, 2004
oldham - lancs
For all the "don't bother" people. Do you not realise what a VERY thin line paintball treads in the UK? It only takes some "press" coverage of a paintball "accident" and Bully's job becomes even harder.

You know - if no-one ever complained - nothing would change. Bottom line...


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
Bollox ,people care about deliberate assaults with air weapons (of any sort) ,that's the 'bad press' that could again effect paintball,with a fun fair full of mackems I'm surprised people weren't encouraged to shoot at them.

NUFC #1...


Oct 12, 2008
North East, Sunderland
the reply:

Your email has been sent to the relevant department who will contact you.

Should you have any further enquiries relating to this, please contact them direct using the following email address airshow@sunderland.gov.uk

Kind Regards

Sunderland City Council


so still waiting.
also, iv decided i dont care about the ppl saying not to bother. it wont do any harm to follow it up, were as it could do some harm in the future not to.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2001
Rochdale UK
Many years ago I did a paintball target shooting range at a big town show to promote my paintball site and another site in Manchester. We had a totally enclosed tunnel with triple netting all around, a heavy duty tarp on the floor and at the end of the tunnel, we had a netted entrance to the target area, we used Inferno's running under 200fps they were chained to the table, we had a chrono to prove teh velocity and we used masks.

I also had to display my liability insurance certificate - before we could start the council HSE officer had to give me an approval certificate - they did after a long discussion and about 50 paintballs to "test" my netting. We sold paint at £1/10 and made plenty of cash and booked games on site.

So what is my point - it is not to show how it should be done it is to point out that 100mts away from me there was another "shooting range" which was being run by the ARMY, they had 4 markers sat on a table and 4 running man targets on the field, there was no netting and paintballs were heading towards a footpath.

I was a bit pi**ed to say the least that we had gone to all this effort and had to have a council approval certificate before we could start and the ARMY were just shooting into a field. When the HSE guy passed later in the day I collared him (he was easy to recognize - fluro jacket - radio that probably was not connected to anyone, safety boots and a clip board) Why have I gone to all this expense and had to meet safety standards and have £5m public liability and the ARMY have a blatant disregard for safety. The answer - They are the ARMY and use guns all the time so they know all about safety so we don't need to check them !!!!

Amazing !!

If you get any more info just PM or e mail me



Another fact - at the Leeds steam show 2 years ago we set up a supair field to run a laser tag arena - the council officials came to our area before we started and asked how we would stop the paintballs from hitting spectators - "We are not doing paintball it is laser tag" - If one paintball hits a spectator you will be shut down - "But we are doing laser tag" - No excuses just remember we will be back when the show opens and if a paintball has hit anyone you will be closed - They have no idea

Evil Rich

Platinum Member Lifetime PMGWC #101
May 22, 2008
Bollox ,people care about deliberate assaults with air weapons (of any sort) ,that's the 'bad press' that could again effect paintball,with a fun fair full of mackems I'm surprised people weren't encouraged to shoot at them.

NUFC #1...

:D:D:D Evil Rich, South West corner season ticket holder;)

Bring on err Peterborough:(