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A word of warning and an explanation.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Hi all,

Some of you may have already seen this thread: http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=123713

It may seem that Gassy and myself are jumping down kent_Massive's throat for no reason other than being a young kid with an ill-formed opinion, but please allow me to explain.

Kent_Massive, as you can see, accuses somebody of horrendous spelling, while he himself has more than enough trouble stringing syllables into words, let alone words into sentences. So that's a bit hypocritical.
Still, even when combined with his ignorant opinions this does not warrant a ban. Nature and the "populace" of a forum usually have a way of correcting such young whipper snappers.

However, together with another (now banned) forum user, kent_Massive has filed certain complaints with the mods about a forum member whom shall not be named.
These complaints contained some very serious accusations. So serious in fact, that they would even potentially involve the police.
My first gut reaction was to do what I usually do in situations like these, which is kill the offender, sell his parents into slavery and let Glen (Stongle) have his way with his firstborn. Oh yeah, and ban him too.
But then I remembered what a wise man (myself) once told me: There are always two sides to a story.

So I did some research.

And I got in contact with the person being accused.

Turned out the accusations were false. I won't go into details about what was said, and why they did what they did, but since then the eyes of the dark lords (us mods) were upon them.

The proverbial straw that broke the camel's back came when information reached the mods that kent_Massive was trying to flog stolen goods through the forums. So now he has been beaten with the banhammer.

Anybody else caught selling stolen property on or through here, will receive the same treatment, I guess that much is obvious.

I hope this makes things a little more clear and you'll understand we weren't just bullying some kid.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Stolen goods :eek: That realy is low, and the ramifications to an unknowing buyer could be serious aswell.

Good riddance :)


Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2008
if he is selling stolen goods shouldn't this be reported to the police and let them take over and send out a message to everyone this is not tolerated on this site