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On the phone to the Emergency services.

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Southern Pirates
In the link posted surely the person who was making the most mistakes was the guy working for the LA emergency services , asking things like :
" what phones number are you calling from"

although the age can matter all they really need is an ambulance at an address so asking "how old is he" and " I'm going to help you with CPR" without asking if they had already done it or are performing it are surely just wasting time ?

also the guy on the phone obviously wasn't listen to the caller , repeating things and failing to ask questions and asking ones that have already been answered indirectly. :confused:
Agreed to a degree. Asking the phone number is daft as they all have caller id on those lines. When I've had to ring 999 they've passed me to the Emergency Service I've requested and read my phone number out as they've passed me over. Although admittedly the US might be a little different.

It does sound sloppy but he could just be trying to keep the guy talking and already have an Ambulance on route. When my wife was pregnant with our son she collapsed at home with stomach cramps. Within 2 minutes there was a knock at the door as the Ambulance had already been dispatched by the Emergency Service operator, but they kept me talking to find out as much as possible which was all passed over to the Ambulance crew whilst they were on route.


Platinum Member
Jul 10, 2008
all questions ask by ES are well worth asking questions things like asking the number you call from is basically asking are you still sane and not getting so stressed that you dont no what you are doin things like confirming adresses back well not being daft but they dont exactly want to send it to the wrong place could be the difference between life and death as for age of person this also depends on how long they have if they aint breathing losing blood so and so forth, adults and kids are all different in these sort of situations

as for teaching kids in school i think it would be a good idea the main thing that needs to be tought are what to say to ES

i for 1 cant ever remember getting tought any cpr or basic first aid in school


Northern Baller
Sep 23, 2007
Near Newcastle
I speak to them regularly (more then once a month), depending on the situation its sometimes best to ring from a land line say ambulance then hang up the fone if your busy (obviously dealing with a casualty not just coz you cant be chewed).

The police have to come to the call and it shows up anyways where you are calling from. Not 100% sure but several coppas have told me even with a mobile they still respond far quicker when there is no details and it has a funny call sign name like 'cat a' or something (you hear sirens in no time and you get a full platoon).

Of course this is not the correct way to do it however USUALLY the police are on scene faster then the ambulance, coppers contrary to common belief are not thick and are fully first aid trained, more so then any tom dick and harry who done a 1st aid course. They also have special privilege that mean they get served 1st in the ambulance que and cope far better then most when it comes to hairy situations, means these guys can explain the problem far better then you could.

If of course you slipped, banged you toe and its not life threatening then you could stay on the fone and explain the whole thing to the operator. It always helps when the control can feed the crew exactly what has gone on and any other special instructions, also worth noting they will ask you if the person has been moved etc, this is to cover them because if they have a neck or back injury and you have played florance nighengale then your up in court getting sued.

The more info you can give the better, but some people goto bits on the fone keep it short and sweet and plan your case for court while you wait :D


New Member
Oct 27, 2001
Visit site
why was this "doctor" doing CPR on the bed?

any competent first aider knows you have to use a hard surface under the casulty or the CPR will be ineffective


Attitude Pr*blem
Nov 28, 2008
Back to the question in hand. Ive just left school "yay for me" and i got 4 first aid tests we had like 6 lessons for the first test which was do CPR on a dummy, second test we had 10 lessons on like what do to in a worst case scenario which was a sucky writing one. third test was a kinda joint one of them both. only had like 2 lessons on that. fourth test was how do dress wounds if you had a first aid kit with you and how to do it with out harming the person in distress also how to put them into the recovery position.

and this was like a must do so you dident get a choice as im sure if schools did that then no one would do it. which is a shame because now i know how i can help a friend or a famile member or even some one i dont know if they are hurt.

Thanks Mike.
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