Without causing offence and hoping not to get a ban, i could also say that the letters and numbers under your name could class as exactly the same as what this thread was aimed at?
Edit:- I felt the need to add to what i just wrote so nobody can confuse my post, the letters NWA stands for <insert the N word here> With Attitude, 417 being the # that the song that is ranked in the worlds best 500 ever songs (F*ck tha police).
The words of this particular song / rap state that non white people are discriminated against by the police, they receive different treatment / abuse as a white person by white police officers, something that always comes to mind is Easy E is a ex self confessed drug dealer and many of the other rappers who made up NWA were drug users / dealers involved in 'gangster' type activity, is it not right that these people regardless of there ethnic background made themselves a target of the police no matter if the officer was either black or what or mix race?
I think this is actually quite fitting that a 'gangster' can in my mind come out with racial hatred and extremeism (they refer to shooting of police etc) then the rap be labelled as 417th of the best ever songs?
I guess what some people call terrorists others call freedom fighters