Raffles - I will give you a bell tomorrow and we'll talk.
I'm happy to run a course anywhere we can get the numbers - NQ, MTPC or Masters.
I am the best qualified of the UK Refs to run a course because I am the only one of them which can spell and punctuate correctly.
Just to give a quick summary of my reffing experience:-
First event reffed: EPSF Fundraiser at Warpaint, Leeds, in 1992.
Through the 90's, I reffed at mainly regional events, including most of Bully's events, for WDP at their events at NTF including both Hyperball events, and at most of the Mayhem Masters Events.
In more recent years, I have reffed for the Masters and the PA, at a few
Millennium events, and in Malaysia.
In 2004, I had the idea that we should travel further afield and arranged for the UK Refs to ref for the PSP, which has led to a lasting professional relationship.
Founder member of Manchester Marshals.
Founder member of UK Refs.
Drinks more tea than Russel Smith.
Slimmer than Gilly. And balder.