It took me about 10 hungover minutes to reply to Bon's initial post ,by which time you had posted your views , but I thought I caught the point in my answer to Bon ..
I disagree with your stance, I think people use the "kiddy killer" line as an excuse to vent there own anger and show there views in a way that they are unlikely to get disagreement from anybody, which is a bit of a weak play in my eyes ,I have two kids and I would wreck serious vengeance on anyone that harmed them but that's down too the personal love of a father. As an educated human being I believe that we need a strong and fair judicial system ...not Sharia law.We need to get rid of the Masonic 100 year olds with no grasp on reality that we call judges, we definitely need to get rid of the extended appeals processes and red tape that cost us all a fortune and I'm actually with Dodge on the repeat offenders thang to a degree but we don't need to be America doesn't work and they prove it ad-nauseum..
Edit: and that ^^^ aint everything I've got ...
I am not disrespecting your post mate but it does cover a few meandering points there and the only point I made was, I believe in the death penalty in some circumstances.
Some of the other points you make, I am in total agreement with but I will only respond to the part of your post where you do deal with the death penalty.
I will agree with you, there is most definitely a part of me that is extremely angry, and the death penalty is a convenient vent-hole; but this does not in any way detract from the points I will make, leastwise in my head they don't.
There are a few major points that underwrite my position and they are these:- The most vulnerable of all in our society are children, and so it follows, if you kill a child, then this is the most heinous of all crimes.
If we can now assign this crime as the most serious, then we have to also assign to it an appropriate penalty, one that satisfies two criteria, it has a deterrent value and also as a societal penalty (justice) upon that individual.
The knee jerk response of the vast majority of people who adopt your position is, 'the death penalty doesn't deter and therefore there is no point in having it' ....well for starters, the jury's still out on that one as there is no hard and fast evidence that concretes any position.
Let me ask you to ponder this please Dskize, let's say we have the death penalty in place, we then have two possibilities regarding deterrence value, either it works or it don't .... now, if it doesn't work, that is, the death penalty does not deter child murderers, then the child murderer's life was taken in vain, if we evaluate that execution from a deterrence effectiveness point of view.
Now, if the death penalty does act as a deterrent, then all those children who would have been murdered had these potential killers not been deterred, now have their lives to look forward to; as does the potential murderer who was deterred by the death penalty.
If we now take an overview of that situation, then it can only be viewed as a positive for society as well as morally; the only way we can overthrow that conclusion is if we value the murderer more highly than the prospective victims.
I haven't even begun to shore up my argument but I'll await your response to this point first ...