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What If?

Duncan Berry

London Tigers 2
May 27, 2008
As for the science vs religion debate, which to my understanding is pretty much what it boils down to, is science may prove how and why the big bang happened, they may even prove what was before the big bang but the question will still allways be "but what was before that?" and thus people will allways fall back to "God"as the reason until some other theory proves otherwise.

personally i beive the big bang happened by matter & anti-matter colliding. As for why were they there....well i say why must there be a begining, a start of something is a human creation. why cant there just be a "there just was" explation... i mean people use that as a basis for belief, there was nothing before god. he "just was".

...but to answer the question your post posed, if scientists 'crack it' as you say, then people will not need 'faith', they will have understanding, and understanding doesn't need faith, it just needs acknowledgment.
as for this answer Robbo i gotta say for you that maybe the case for you but others need to have faith not just an understanding, as if relgion dies so too does chance at life after death, and in my eyes that is the only reason anyone ever picks religion in the first place (provided they have a choice) as a sort of "there must be something more to life" reasoning.
so even if science disproves religion again and again people will always cling to religion as a safety blanket to shield them from what i belive is the harsh truth.... we live, we die. that's it!


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
personally i beive the big bang happened by matter & anti-matter colliding. As for why were they there....well i say why must there be a begining, a start of something is a human creation. why cant there just be a "there just was" explation... i mean people use that as a basis for belief, there was nothing before god. he "just was".
First off, the initial fueling of the big bang, or rather the big expansion, was the enormous pressure and temperature of the singularity.

I'm not 100% sure of my physics here but I would assume during that expansion, matter / anti-matter annihilations took place which would have added to the energy of the expansion but I am not sure at which phase in the expansion these would have ceased to have played a significant part.

as for this answer Robbo i gotta say for you that maybe the case for you but others need to have faith not just an understanding, as if religion dies so too does chance at life after death, and in my eyes that is the only reason anyone ever picks religion in the first place (provided they have a choice) as a sort of "there must be something more to life" reasoning.
so even if science disproves religion again and again people will always cling to religion as a safety blanket to shield them from what i believe is the harsh truth.... we live, we die. that's it!
Life after death isn't the only reason people seek out religion, some people may wish to align their lives with a decent moral code and what better way to do that than to join a religion?
Of course, as humans, we don't like the idea of snuffing it and there being no afterlife and that's why I have always maintained, religion is more an emotional need than intellectual.

The problem for us poor ole humans is........if (whatever) religion is in fact, the road to (whatever) God, then you better get your ass in gear and stop sinning ... after all, who wants to go downstairs for eternity?
Not me mate, not me ... but then, I can't seem to stop sinning coz it's waaaaay too much fun ... bit of a problem ain't it :)


Karma Monkey Spunk?
Dec 7, 2008
North East, Sunderland
First off, the initial fueling of the big bang, or rather the big expansion, was the enormous pressure and temperature of the singularity.

I'm not 100% sure of my physics here but I would assume during that expansion, matter / anti-matter annihilations took place which would have added to the energy of the expansion but I am not sure at which phase in the expansion these would have ceased to have played a significant part.
You'r right Robbo,

Any matter - Antimatter collisions only create photons. (Photons can be expressed as "packets" of energy.) Be it electron - positron collision, neutrino - anti-neutrino or even proton - antiproton (forgot what the name for anti-proton is :eek:), Will create 2 photons.

Said photons can then participate in "pair production" each, thus forming 2 particles and 2 antiparticles. Hence the cycle continues and the universe grows.

But, im going to geuss that some ones going to come along and scream i'm wrong :p.

Duncan Berry

London Tigers 2
May 27, 2008
First off, the initial fueling of the big bang, or rather the big expansion, was the enormous pressure and temperature of the singularity.

I'm not 100% sure of my physics here but I would assume during that expansion, matter / anti-matter annihilations took place which would have added to the energy of the expansion but I am not sure at which phase in the expansion these would have ceased to have played a significant part.
I must admit i dont know that much about the big bang, that was just what i thought was the cause due to what i remember from my old school days.

Life after death isn't the only reason people seek out religion, some people may wish to align their lives with a decent moral code and what better way to do that than to join a religion?
Of course, as humans, we don't like the idea of snuffing it and there being no afterlife and that's why I have always maintained, religion is more an emotional need than intellectual.

The problem for us poor ole humans is........if (whatever) religion is in fact, the road to (whatever) God, then you better get your ass in gear and stop sinning ... after all, who wants to go downstairs for eternity?
Not me mate, not me ... but then, I can't seem to stop sinning coz it's waaaaay too much fun ... bit of a problem ain't it :)
very true but you can mantain a religious moral code without joining said religion. if eveyone lived by the 10 commandment then the world would be a nicer place, and most people to an extent do live by its code but not all align there "faith" to the books which contain these codes.

But if religion is the way, then i have some serious problems:D. but my main concern would be if god in all his glory knows everything then he already knows everythig you have and will do, and thus basically has either accepted or damned you before you were ever born. which begs the question, if that is the case is there really any free-will? but that is another topic


Karma Monkey Spunk?
Dec 7, 2008
North East, Sunderland
But if religion is the way, then i have some serious problems:D. but my main concern would be if god in all his glory knows everything then he already knows everythig you have and will do, and thus basically has either accepted or damned you before you were ever born. which begs the question, if that is the case is there really any free-will? but that is another topic
Thus the reason in which I believe that God is out side of time yet still is/has omniscience. If he is outside of time, but still knows all (but not when), then we retain our free will as said God would have no direct impact upon our actuall morral decisions