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Holmbush Woodland Tournament Series 2009


Goldfish69 Photography
Woodland Tournament Series 2009
… Or something you have asked for…


Sorry chaps, but simply due to lack of interest, lack of any type of commitment and having to drag this post back from page 7, we won't be holding any 'official' tournies this year.

We may turn one of the standard walk-ons into a 'fun' tourny for poos and giggles, but that will be as close a woodland tourny as you'll see this year from us.

The GOOD NEWS is that we'll turning these into pump days instead =D Much more fun, much less hassle, cheaper and sooo much more fun on the day !

Original post below;
In conjunction with running a second walk-on day each month, in the form of a pump game … we are also going to give it our best shot in hosting and running a South East tournament revival series. Yes … a series. Not a single, one off tournament which will get lost amongst the other sporadic events which pop up now and again … but a whole connected series, for the rest of the year, aimed at providing you walk-on players an avenue through which to play some competitive, fun and fair paintball tournaments which will provide you with a starting block to re-build the Woodland Tournament scene.

Whilst we are organising and running these events we will be in contact (have been in contact) with a couple of major suppliers in order to put some credibility back into the woodland scene ... which let’s face it, is where all paintball began life !

As we said – this revival will take place over a series of connected events with rules in place.

Event Dates:

April 19th - Seeding
June 21st
August 16th
October 18th – ’09 Finals

Prices will be a simple £55.00 per player (inc 2000 branded paintballs) – No deposits required. Each consecutive tournament will then only cost you £50.00 each, with a voucher !

You’ll see a minimum of 10 competitive games, then either fun games or play offs and finals in the late afternoon.

During the off months, Pump and pistol days will be taking place.

We are also drawing up event dates for 2010 (eek!) which will follow the same format, Depending on the popularity they will probably run for 2 months on and 1 month off throughout the year … we’ll see !

Very briefly, to make these series of games accessible to everyone, we have decided to adopt the 3man format – but with a twist ! You’ll be playing as 6 man teams for the first part of the day, then split into your 3man teams for the playoffs and finals… it’s so much easier to grab 2 mates than it is to find 6 others to play we find !

So turn up in 3 man teams. Even turn up in 6 man teams if you can ... or simply turn up in your ones and two's and as usual, we can find you a home !

The games will be played out as limited paint games and with our usual FPS / BPS limits and general conduct rules, this should just make for some really enjoyable days of woodsballing ! With your help we can have a healthy Southern Tourny Woodsball League in place by the start of next year, then we can think of expanding the game calendar and inviting other sites to participate.

Be warned --the following may be edited over the next 36-48hrs


Goldfish69 Photography
Rules Format:

This series won’t follow the standard 3man, 5man, 7man or even 10man team format. Instead we have devised our own system so you can EASILY organise your teams and simply concentrate on actually playing Tournament Woodsball.

Each team will consist of 3 players and a Team Name – this name will be ranked and scored – if you have to substitute players, then currently this is acceptable.

The first 10 games of each tournament day will consist of 6man teams Vs 6man Teams. During the seeding day (April xx) we will randomly pair teams up each game and simply ask you to play alongside each other and play against other teams of 6. Both winning teams will score equally and in the case of a tie, points of course go to everyone equally.

The top 4 finishers, after 10 games, will be split back into their component 3man teams to play off against each other in the Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and Finals during the late afternoon.

Each 3 man team will receive a final points score based on their overall finishing position at the end of day, along with trophies and any prizes. *These points from the seeding day then determine your starting league – Either Pro League or Rec League.

On subsequent days, new teams will be placed into leagues at our discretion – you turn up with DM9’s, full kit and the kitchen sink … you place in the Pro League. Obviously, your first 10 games will take place within your own leagues. After that it will become a mixed affair in 3man format.

Top Rec League team will be promoted and bottom Pro League team will be demoted each new tourney.

Yay \o/ .. still with me ?

Important Stuff / Definitions:

Max FPS – 280 fps
Max BPS – 10 BPS
Modes – Semi Only*
Each game limited to 1 Hopper and 1 pot maximum.
Hopper – 200 shot capacity only.
Pot – capable of holding no more than 160 paintballs (Dye LLP’s)

*Response mode on T98, TA5 and Automags will be allowed – but capped to 8 BPS. If you can’t cap it reliably, then use a different marker.

Markers will be randomly Chronographed through out the day.


Each game will use the tried and tested ‘Flag Hang’ formula. You take the oppositions flag and hang it back at your base.

Game win (Flag Hang, with or without Max) - 10 points
Game win (Max, but no flag hang within the game time) – 6 points
Game Draw – 3 Points
Game Loss – 0 points

Games will end with either a ‘Flag Hang’, elimination of all opposing players or Time out.

Each game will be timed at 10minutes.


1 penalty point to your team for each FPS above 280.
(1 Shot off, sum of any 'overs' next 3 shots).
10 penalty points for each BPS above 10.
10 penalty points for each breach of unsportsmanlike conduct, including but not limited to excessive swearing, arguing with marshals, shooting at marshals, bonus balling players, dead men talking, firing on a neutral bunker.

Cost of Tourney:

The initial entry fee to this series will be £55.00 per player, which will include 1 box of branded 2000 paintballs, air pass, player pass and score card for captains.
All the standard amenities provided by Holmbush Paintball will be available to all of our Tourney players. (see our standard Walk-on posts for details !)

You will also receive a voucher entitling you to a further £5.00 off your next Tourney entry fee – making all the subsequent tournies £50.00 each.

Currently we will NOT be asking for any deposits this year either ! BUT, you must, must, must email us / PM us or failing that call us to arrange your places. This event will fail or succeed on your willingness to show up and support it.
Teams attending will be displayed on forums and updated weekly.
Any teams booking in and failing to turn up will be named and shamed for wasting everyone’s time.

You may also, for the rest of this year, BYO paint to these events. Any BYO MUST be available for drop testing (4/10 minimum) and must be removed from the site if required by us.

SO …. In a nutshell…

3 man format, playing as 6 man teams initially on the day.
A regular series, scored with points.
NO deposits.
Sensible paint and marker limits allowing for spectacular plays to be made.
Possible / Definate* Industry support

*Delete as applicable

Did we miss anything there ? Hopefully not.

As you can see we are serious in our commitment in trying to bring to you a variety of games which have sadly been lacking in recent years. Well, this is what we ami to do at least … but we cannot do this without the players support and help. All you need to do is book in and turn up – not exactly difficult we hope ! Yet again, we seem to be amongst the first to take a pioneering step in hopefully the right direction ;)

As an afterthought, you will almost definitely see a whole bunch of other Leagues / Tournies / Events suddenly spring up around the same time or just after the first event we hold. We’ll take this as a case of “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”. We’re used to it;) If a site local to you starts one one up… good for you ! Hopefully you’ll thank us for the kickstart. If you are local’ish to us however, we really hope and expect you to support us and make this the event it should be.

With your help we can have a healthy Southern Tourny Woodsball League in place by the start of next year. We can then think of expanding the game calendar and inviting other sites to participate.

So get emailing and contacting your buddies.

PM me.

Email us – enquiries@holmbushpaintball.co.uk

Or Call us if you have to – 01293 852 269


Goldfish69 Photography
Hopefully, next week we will already be able to post up a list of teams who have already committed to the Series and a list of those able to attend the April 19th 'Seeding' tournament.

Lots of emails and PM's, so thank you very much guys !

The good news is, that if you continue to inform us of who is intending to come, we will not have to limit the places for this event.

Please, however, only let us know if you are definately intending to come.

(Wondering if I should place this post in the 'Tournament Section' aswell...)


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Hi Bandwagon,

I've got a team if u still got space. might get another by the end of the week let me know if u still got the spaces.



Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2008
West Sussex
Hi Bandwagon,

I've got a team if u still got space. might get another by the end of the week let me know if u still got the spaces.

They should have plenty of spaces left for your team, but it'll be easier and quicker for you to either give them a call or send them an email and they'll sort it all out for you and answer any questions.


Goldfish69 Photography
Booked in so far we have...

(Forgive the lack of proper team names, but we are waiting for the captains to have a flash of inspiration ! - Will update the roster as soon as we have a name for you ).

Olly's Team One
Carter Smith One
Carter Smith Two
Terrorpins Team One
Walk On Regulars Team One
Walk On Regulars Team Two
Murphy's Team
Team Tafan

Lot's of singles want to play so we'll organise them into teams over the next few weeks aswell.

Currently there is no cap on the amount of teams, but we may limit it closer to the date to ensure we have staff to go around - So contact us and book in sooner rather than later !

Remember - No deposits, simply email, phone or PM us !


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
Visit site
bandwagon hope you guys down south get this going,know that the guys at warren wood are trying to do the same so why don,t you get a series going between both sites then maybe us guys up north can come down to kick your ass:D as we have a thriving woodland tournie scene look here www.nobattlepack.com so come on guys support it:D


Goldfish69 Photography
B15cu1t ...

Thanks for the kind words ;)

We would (A) - Love for you guys to come down and play some, if not all of the series. It's only 3 players required, so perhaps you have a couple of brave souls who would come down (as it's only the team name we record, you could even swap players every couple of months), brave the southern weather and show people how it's done ! We have a few regular guys here who we could probably talk in coming up to you to play aswell.

We also threw this idea of a series open to several sites a few months ago. No replies as of yet ... shame :confused:

Still, as this is the only woodland series happening in the South at this time, we would hope that the players start to support it, so that we can really get it rolling with another site(s) in the future.


Shall we add a 'Walked On' team or two to the current roster ? :rolleyes: PM / email or call us to let us know.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
Visit site
hope you guys do well we have guys from shock and somanc playing this and doing clinics so teams can progress ,in either skill wise, or to sup-air.or just be greedy and do both:D,but believe me this is the way to go to encourage new teams:D:D:D