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Name and Shame Response

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New Member
Jul 12, 2008
My words are my own and mine only, I am not associated with nor do I work for anyone or anything relating to towerpaintball, London Hazard or any of their related parties
(nor do I want to be after reading what one of my so called friends had to say about me on here.)

First of all, I only just read this ridiculous thread, I love how everyone who doesn't know me or anything about me or my personal life are chiming in on this situation, I live in the real world where people work and actually spend time doing constructive things rather than slagging off people they don't know or have never met. I'm 23 for the record, since alot of people asked, want my inside leg measurement as well? how about my suit size? maybe you'd like to know my favourite beer so you can buy me a six pack?
or maybe you'd just like to shut the hell up about things that are none of your business, threatening physical violence against someone you don't know about a business deal you have heard about on an internet forum? maybe I should call the cops on you you pricks! Clearly your own lives are very unfulfilling so you feel the need to take this out on others!
Yes there was a mistake on my part I arranged a purchase and found out at the last minute that one important item was missing (the frame) I aplogised and agreed to rectify the situation.
From here on in I know there was a lack of contact on my part, there was also a severe lack of time on my part, I work long hours, really long hours, especially when I have freelance work to deal with, which I did in this instance, think 4am finishes followed by 9am starts at my photography dayjob, several days in a row.
I am still in Austria right now, snowboarding, and still recieving phone calls about work, for jobs when I come back, I have also recently been in the process of moving home for the first time to SE London, all whilst working, organising last minute details of my holiday, and generally sorting out **** in my life. I tried to explain this to Carl but understandably his patience wore thin, I never set out to cheat anyone out of money or dodge payment or goods or anything dishonest at all, the situation was rectified late last night via me calling my brother in England and getting him to transfer money via paypal, as frankly I was fed up with having to deal with the situation and also felt it was unfair on Carl to delay things further. Make of it what you will, I couldn't care less, I know what i'm about, and I don't give a **** what any of you ****ers who have already judged me think. I'm no longer paintballing for work reasons and financial reasons, I don't plan to return to it either, or this forum, so ban me if you want, I couldn't give two ****s.


I really think you shouldn't hold it all in like that,if you actually said what you mean you will feel much better.


May 31, 2005
Visit site
My words are my own and mine only, I am not associated with nor do I work for anyone or anything relating to towerpaintball, London Hazard or any of their related parties
(nor do I want to be after reading what one of my so called friends had to say about me on here.)

First of all, I only just read this ridiculous thread, I love how everyone who doesn't know me or anything about me or my personal life are chiming in on this situation, I live in the real world where people work and actually spend time doing constructive things rather than slagging off people they don't know or have never met. I'm 23 for the record, since alot of people asked, want my inside leg measurement as well? how about my suit size? maybe you'd like to know my favourite beer so you can buy me a six pack?
or maybe you'd just like to shut the hell up about things that are none of your business, threatening physical violence against someone you don't know about a business deal you have heard about on an internet forum? maybe I should call the cops on you you pricks! Clearly your own lives are very unfulfilling so you feel the need to take this out on others!
Yes there was a mistake on my part I arranged a purchase and found out at the last minute that one important item was missing (the frame) I aplogised and agreed to rectify the situation.
From here on in I know there was a lack of contact on my part, there was also a severe lack of time on my part, I work long hours, really long hours, especially when I have freelance work to deal with, which I did in this instance, think 4am finishes followed by 9am starts at my photography dayjob, several days in a row.
I am still in Austria right now, snowboarding, and still recieving phone calls about work, for jobs when I come back, I have also recently been in the process of moving home for the first time to SE London, all whilst working, organising last minute details of my holiday, and generally sorting out **** in my life. I tried to explain this to Carl but understandably his patience wore thin, I never set out to cheat anyone out of money or dodge payment or goods or anything dishonest at all, the situation was rectified late last night via me calling my brother in England and getting him to transfer money via paypal, as frankly I was fed up with having to deal with the situation and also felt it was unfair on Carl to delay things further. Make of it what you will, I couldn't care less, I know what i'm about, and I don't give a **** what any of you ****ers who have already judged me think. I'm no longer paintballing for work reasons and financial reasons, I don't plan to return to it either, or this forum, so ban me if you want, I couldn't give two ****s.
Got anything else for sale then if you've quit..:rolleyes::p:D
Peace out m8 enjoy your life......:D


Free Style Baby!
Mar 10, 2007
dude are you for real,

the ression people got a little upset with you was becuse you left the country with goods outstanding.. carl needed the frame, the frame witch he had payed for, also im sorry you find it unreasable that you had to get your brother to pay for goods witch you had sold and not given to carl

sorry mate but good ridance we dont want your sort in are sport

(sorry mods if this seams out of order, im venting)


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
I couldn't give two ****s.
well that's a lie, other wise why would you take time out from your holiday to post this rather LONG thread about some thing you care little about. you should have delt with your business in a proper fashion and this wouldn't have happened. completely your own fault. have a nice holiday :)

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
...But you do have time to go snowboarding?

Honestly mate, I felt that some people were out of line in that thread, but you going off like this is well out of order. No matter how you put it, you f*cked up. Plain and simple. You can then expect people to talk sh*t, but you know as well as I do that all it is, is just talk.

Have some Jägermeister and chill the f*ck out. I wouldn't ban you for the deal going as difficult as it did, in the end things were worked out. But I will ban you if you talk like that again.
But some of the people in that other thread have also drawn the attention of the Evil Eye, fair is fair.
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