I have been out of the paintball scene for the last 5 years and still have me angel A4 in grello colour.
does anyone know what happend to the rest of the grello A4`s
Does any one use them?
is it worth keeping as i dont use it?
how much is it worth if i sell it?
I belive Gassy and Tom Allen seem to know there stuff about Angels, Maby a PM to either one could help or if they browse this thread im sure they will be more willing to help you for your questions
Only 14(?) ever made for the good old Norwich Sinners
More sentimental value than monetary, in truth
Can't remember WDP doing a one-off marker for any other UK Team
they were based on the standard A4 not the A4 fly which had the 05 speed feed neck. I've got a A4 special in silver dust, there weren't a lot of those made either
Dean Sankey.....bloody hell that's a name from the past. He had them done for the team. Think a few if I remember went to Azerbaijan. Back in the days when me Chris and mike timbers used to do all the tech stuff with fraz.