hello i have a pmr at the moment i want to upgrade is it worth buying a etek2 or waiting 5 months to save up for a eg09 i just dont know thanks for your help
My Question to you would be this, are you a tourniment player, woods baller etc.
Then ask yourself should i pay £753 for a new EGO09 or just buy something like an etek2 or and ego07/08 and save alot of money and basically get the same performance.
I worked my way up to my now SL8R EGO. and found that planet make a very robust and reliable marker..
The only other thing i would add is try out as many as you can before you purchase one, every body has a favorite marker and probably went through many before finding what suited them most.
But i will add that out of the most recent ego's my fav is the ego07
GL With your final choice