In answer to all that responded to the quest to make tourney more favourable to all, e.g :- 1 umbrella to which all teams, no matter who or where you are, become visible to the nation, if all team names have a tag to which county they represent, and they in turn have, being the owner / captain a telephone No. available. We can make sequacious table for the country to follow. At the moment, you have 5 mates, just to have fun trying to be the best of 15 – 20 teams, then you hear them cry out “Yeah we’re the best!!”, this could be so much more if players had a wider vision. If this takes off, “all” that play now would be King Kong and heroes to all new comers because you know how to use the guns at an alarming rates…they wont!
You have strategic defence and attack…they don’t!
I’ve just had 3 more people come to me to ask if they can play tourney paintball, all I can say is to them is to come to a practice to see if they might like it, only to be asked who else or teams they may go to. I then ask what area they live in.
This is the problem…Who is in that area?
So after practice, they feel obliged to join your team, then after a while, after a lot of money / time spent on them, they decide to jump ship where they think the grass is greener.
So your team goes back to zero rating and you start all over again from scratch!
Not everybody as I have found wants to improve their ability or have team spirit, they just want to shoot people. If they can and they usually suck at it, but these people make up the teams…However, the majority of players want to expand.
We are in a recession right now and it has come to pass the fee of £40 per player, per tourney + paint is too much ! !
With the rates of unemployment, no-one has the money to pay these prices! Now would be a good idea to halve, the fee, the site owners still get a lot of money
£20 x 5 = £100 per team
20 teams = £2000
10 refs x £50 = £500
So site owners, still get £1500
Multiply by 8 summer months, it gives the site owners £12000 alone
So, who set it at £40 in the first place? Whose pretending this to be so expensive?
I have my own sup’ air and field to practice on, so I know what I’m talking about. We go to other sites for community spirit and learning curve.
How many sites do you know of?
There are too many and no players reaping the rewards.
Look towards the big boys holding sites, get it together, form a professional league, unless you want to continue giving a t-shirt and a pair of gloves for prizes, maybe some booze and some paint.
Something has to be done!
Owner / Manager
Care Bears