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bought an item from northy05 and haven't received it


The Human Forcefield
Jun 8, 2003
live in colchester
Visit site
bought some lock lids from norhty05 and paid for them got a mail from him on the 20/10/08 saying he will post them out to me that week. and that is the last i heard from him i have sent a load of p,ms but he aint been on line since the 20/10/08.
getting a bit impatient now and slighty ticked off
can any one help me?


'Hotgun Al'
Feb 22, 2006
Broseley, nr telford,nr birmingham
bought some lock lids from norhty05 and paid for them got a mail from him on the 20/10/08 saying he will post them out to me that week. and that is the last i heard from him i have sent a load of p,ms but he aint been on line since the 20/10/08.
getting a bit impatient now and slighty ticked off
can any one help me?
I had a similar problem a while back with him and a halo hopper:mad:

Have a word with Gassy as he managed to sort it out for me and I ended up getting the hopper eventually.
