Joking aside, one thing I have noticed about old ballers who have been at the top of our sport, is their will to win.
Even though these old ballers may all bang the drum of 'just wanting to have fun', all of us there will want to win whatever division we are in ..we may go through the motions of pretending we are playing less than seriously but when that 'game on' sounds across the field, my head is gonna flip straight back to yesteryear..and the same will happen for all the other guys.
The reason?
I might be old, I might be a bit slower in terms of running but my reflexes thankfully are still fine and I ain't lost my shot; And so if you show me too much, I'll shoot yer frikkin head off
I don't like losing, and nor does Ceranski, Ledz, Billy Wing, Cuba, Mikko, Lasoya and the other guys.
I ain't saying we won't have fun, or even use this excuse as a reason for getting beat (most of us are ex pros here, we need excuses
) but those games are gonna be competitive I know that much.