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NXPL Tournament


Aug 16, 2007
Oahu, Hawaii / London UK
great idea in general self marshalling bad, a dodgy call iven by the right team at the right time makes the difference in placings and could be done in a mallicious manner. However im all for x-ball and will return from the states for the december event :)

will travel for x-ball :)

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
I don't know about anyone elses opinion, but I for one, was stoked to see this format offered, and we will be making damn sure that we do what we can to get our team down there for it! Alot of people don't get a chance to play X-Ball, and I think it's the way forward for a great series of fast games.
Obviously the amount of paint consumed in this format may limit a lot of teams, but the sheer volume of paint used SHOULD, enable us to get better prices - which will again help the sport.

Unfortunately...reffing WILL be an issue - as good as the will of all of us to do a fair job, there will be(as in all events), a call or 2 go against a team that could have gone either way - causing a problem (obviously). To help - If for some reason, we can't get a team together, I'm sure a couple of us will be willing to come down and ref...I would like to see this idea succeed.
X-ball/X-ball lite in the UK is not sustainable without heavy sponsorship. You will also find that the large volume of paint shot per team is usually offset by lack of teams and reduced number of events thus removing any benefit to the retailer
As for teams reffing events, well then you are relying on the integrity of said teams


BullitPr00f Monkey
Apr 24, 2004
Ok guys, I can see that all of you thinks that reffing will be the major issue when you throw together a tourney like this. Sorry for my english if you dont get my point...

Here in Sweden we have two tourneys runned like this. Each team plays it game and then stays on the field to reff the next one. Its not Xball, its regular M5 D1 to D3, but it works. One of the leagues actaully has to say no to teams bcoz its always full and has been for the last 3 years. And no team argue to the reffing part as it is a cheap tourney and they love to play paintball.

Never did we have any problems with biased reffing and one of the reasons for this is that the reffing team dont wanna look like complete jerks. It will only harm the reputation of the team. There will be bad calls, no one is perfect, but as the playing teams also reff they seem to be more understanding to why bad calls are made and there are very very few arguments during an entire tourney.
The only thing we can see during a tourney like this is that the 1-4-1 calls are less than a Pro-reffed toruney. But with a Ultimate Judge present this might not be an issue.

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
The tolerance for bad calls is a lot lower in the UK, sadly.
Players seem to think reffing teams have to be perfect 100% of the time.
If only they could play to that level of perfection.


Feb 20, 2006
With the entrance fee being so cheap , if teams take a roster of 7 players down, your not far off from a trainning days green fee.
If the paint was limited to teams per game, for the whole day, your only paying a little over that of a trainning day.
This will give teams that havent played xball a chance to give it ago, it will also let the players see and experience games from the reffs point of view.

I cannot see games being competitive, but a good way to get some trainning and scrimmaging done. More of a relaxed mini tourney, nothing for teams to start arguing over.
This also gives teams a chance to get to help each other more as opposed to a competitive event.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2003
bully used to run a torny series with the "self marshalling aspect " worked fine as far as i can remember just the usual moans & groans....:rolleyes:


New Member
Sep 16, 2008
to be fair - i'm happy to step on a field and get my arse handed to me by better players - but i wouldn't have the confidence or skill to ref fairly.
Thats why we're paying for an ultimate to be on the field to help with the issue's that may arise, and were having reffing classes to boot. But isn't this all down to expectation..... The tournament was never designed to replace the P.A. or anything else for that matter, we were just asked by numerous teams if we could do a really inexpensive tournament at the site, which is exactly where we're at. It will be very professionaly run and most of all fun. Some really good players said to me it's actually a great place to be (reffing) to see great moves and gun fights and learn a bunch of stuff. It is, what it is.... and the scoring system hopefully will deter refs bias, if they're playing to win prizes anyway. hopefully the 2 warm up dates we've set will go well, and next year we could have a great little "training type tournament"


CPPS Referee 4 Life.
Feb 14, 2007
Rugeley, Staffordshire
i think its a really good idea. its just a pitty that its being held on the same day as the tournament in penkridge. if it was set on another sunday of the month then i'd be down to play of course giving a bit more revenue to the bulldogs but.. :(