Jckk335_crazy what's your id on UK Scenario? as I do not recall seeing that one. Mine is the same on every forum by the way and though I only have afew on here I have 800+ on UK scenario.
In answer to your post you have your order way wrong and Dark Warrior is correct.
I am responsible for my kit and it is all in perfect condition, I cannot vouch for everyone elses nor can I inspect everyones from a logistical or authority point of view.
The responsibility must rest with the air providers as it is their livliehood and insurance.
The organisers should ensure that their providers are capable of fulfiling thier obligations especially when you become the first game ever(scenario) to charge extra for air.
Then the players but most of us know our kit is sorted so think about it less.
In answer to your post you have your order way wrong and Dark Warrior is correct.
I am responsible for my kit and it is all in perfect condition, I cannot vouch for everyone elses nor can I inspect everyones from a logistical or authority point of view.
The responsibility must rest with the air providers as it is their livliehood and insurance.
The organisers should ensure that their providers are capable of fulfiling thier obligations especially when you become the first game ever(scenario) to charge extra for air.
Then the players but most of us know our kit is sorted so think about it less.