Hmmmmm, I have just had some interesting phone calls to say the least, well here goes: I get a phone call from a pretty well known person within paintball who is also a mate of mine, I will withhold his name because it serves no real purpose in this discussion to reveal it and I'm not really sure he was fully aware of what he was getting into anyway.
The gist of his phone call to me was to help someone out associate of his....not mine I hasten to add, his.
I don't know this person he wants helping out and have never heard of him.
Anyways, apparently this person who needs help is the guy responsible for the air supply at the recent Staargate event, his name is Jim 'something or other'.
The help he wanted was a bit vague mainly because I was getting it second hand but the gist was, this Jim guy had felt mightily aggrieved at a lot of the things being said in this thread about him personally and the services he offered at the recent event.
As to what help was needed, I can only imagine, he wanted me to close or delete the thread.
To try and make sure of what I was hearing, the initial caller suggested I call this Jim directly to see what he wanted me to do.
Now i don't know this buffoon from anywhere so why I am even bothering to call is beyond me, but hey, I did anyway ......
Within a minute or so, it was obvious to me at least, he wanted the thread gone believing it to be an unwarranted attack on his services at Staargate,
he backed this up by informing me, no other paintball website had such attacks and on that basis I should disbelieve all you guys who have posted here....well, I think you guys know me a little better than that and that ain't gonna happen.
I know full well what ballers are like when something like this happens and exaggeration and emotion are liable creep into posts being made but I have been in paintball long enough to sift through the crap and work out what's really going on.
Secondly, he followed up by saying most of you who posted are lying and fabricating events to make him look to why you would do that is beyond me but obviously not beyond him.
Basically, none of what you guys said happened, did happen, this guy is squeaky clean and I, as forum owner should do what's right and defend him or delete it all.
As soon as he realized I wasn't gonna go down that road he asked if I could write something for him ....WTF he wanted me to write when i wasn't even there is once again beyond me but I persevered with the call.
Eventually he said he would get someone else to go on our site and defend his name.
I advised him he should do it himself like Tim and Lee have done otherwise it looks cowardly and will attract further attacks if he hasn't got the balls to come on here and rebut any claims he thought false, for himself.
He didn't like that idea believing any defense should not be done by him or any member of his staff.
I can only deduce one reason for him taking that path and it don't need no rocket scientist to work out
In the end, he inferred I was being irresponsible by allowing such libel on my site and I was the one in the wrong can imagine which way the phone call went then ........
As an aside, half way through the call he informed me he was in a position to sue some of the people who had made such libelous claims and when i told him, 'I don't give a fcuk, sue them, you'll get nowhere' he replied by telling me, he had no problem going down that road ...that made me laugh the loudest i think, this guy has no clue about the law, paintball, free speech, free opinion and the right to voice them..and has the cheek to threaten my members with a law suit that would hold as much water as bucket with no bottom.
What started off as a nice day for me was spoilt by another example of what's wrong in our sport