So what have we learned? Do not get within arm's reach of your target when threatening somebody with a pistol.
seriously, I see no problem with the replicas. Sure, they can be used to rob a bank or threaten the pants off of somebody. But given the cost of a gun like that, well, let's just say I can get you a real gun for less. So anybody wanting to get a fake in order to use it for bad things, would be a lot better of getting something cheap from Toys-r-us or one of them starter guns if he needs it to bang.
seriously, I see no problem with the replicas. Sure, they can be used to rob a bank or threaten the pants off of somebody. But given the cost of a gun like that, well, let's just say I can get you a real gun for less. So anybody wanting to get a fake in order to use it for bad things, would be a lot better of getting something cheap from Toys-r-us or one of them starter guns if he needs it to bang.