i had the best moment of my life winning my 1st place campaign 2006, and earning to be pro at the same event without even reffing an event to get 1st place points
(check out and watch "Campaign Cup 06 - Part 4 Finals" playin 3 games against enemy)
aswell as other things like being the underdogs to win the pro tour, countless podium placings at milleniums in DIV1/SPL, and 95% of the local tourneys in the UK
but i guess all good things come to an end
heres all the people i had the honour playin alongside with Kellys:-
lee kelly
wayne kelly
greg kelly
shane kelly
tony kelly
Eddie littlewood
Steve Brown
Luke Williamson
Liam Liddy
Chris Stone
Richard Kirkbright
and ste giles i guess
and Rachel and Gaynor Kelly for their support