On a different note...
Thrust 2 the car that beat the land speed record and went faster than the speed of sound... if you had the windows down would you hear anything ?
Another thing i wanted to know... If your standing on a flat-bed lorry which is travelling at say 40mph and for some reason you jump... do you land exactly where you took off, travel a small distance back, or the lorry flies out beneath you ???
Jesus is slightly wrong.
You and the truck are travelling at 40MPH...therefore, when you jump up...the lorry has more momentum than you, so you will move back a small amount. So yes, the higher you jump, the further forward the truck will go.
Yes, wind resistance is also a major factor.
Trouble is...exactly how...do you jump up in a perfectly straight line?
If you stood on the back edge off the truck and jumped up, you probably would miss it though!
With Thrust Two, the vehicle is travelling faster than sound (750MPH ish).
I imagine, it would be a bad idea to open the window, regardless, but...if you did...the air will still move passed the window...so you could probably hear that (like in a car)...I doubt you would hear much from the engines, but you would still feel them.
The whole sound barrier thing, is just that, with a car etc, you can hear it coming, you can hear it as it passes you and you can hear it as its going down the road.
If it was travelling faster than sound, you would see it coming, you would see and feel it pass you, but you wouldn't hear it until it had passed you.
Take a High Velocity rifle round. When I do long distance target shooting at say, 1000M...I can hear the CRACK, as the rifle goes off.
When I am working at the target end, I will see the round kick up sand in the butts, THEN I will hear the crack from it passing over head, then I will hear the low BOOM from the gun going off.
You would hear that all the way along the bullets flight path, but the further away you are, the longer it takes.
EG. Look at Ross Kemp in Afghanistan, Monday nights episode, probably on all week. At one point they call in Artillery.
You can see the strike and explosion, but the distance away they are, it takes about 6-8 seconds, to hear the explosion.
If you were travelling at light speed, you would still see the light from your destination star.
Not sure about the head lights though